Cassava Flour Production line

 Process of Cassava Flour Production

Root reception and washing

- fresh cassava taken to factory by truck and are weighed and sampled for starch content

-stems, woody tissues removed

-roots are washed to remove sands and impurities and placed on belt for inspection

Grinded and rasping unit

-tuber is grinded and water is added to dilute slurry

De-sanding unit

-sands and other course particles are removed from the slurry

Cassava flour detoxification and dewatering

-there is hydrocyanic acid  (toxic substance in cassava peels) therefore, the slurry will go through detoxification 

-dewatering process follows and material is transported to dryer

Drying and packing unit

- high moisture level prevent direct entry to dryer

-material is mixed with dry flour to reduce moisture and carried to dryer

-this is then sieved and transported for storing and cooling


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