Waste Management Ideas
As discussed previously, the waste generated during cassava processing is very detrimental to the environment and there for a high importance should be placed on the implementation of proper disposal or alternative uses. From research it was found that both liquid and solid waste generated can be transformed into materials which can be put to better use. In the chart below a brief outline of the possible applications of the waste is given:
- Cassava peels: after the cassava is peeled, it was found that activated carbon was produced from them which is effective in the treatment of water containing heavy metals among other toxins for both oily and non-oily waters
Other possible applications:
- cassava is also rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, leaving opportunity for the application as a fertilizer which will enhance the crop production and aid in supplementing the demand of nutrients to an extent. eg. manipueira was used as a fertilizer for sunflower cultivation which produced satisfactory results
- Taking into the consideration the negative impact of synthetic pesticides on the environment, natural pesticides are being researched:
- evidence that cassava wastewater powder-based solutions are efficient in killing aphids
- cassava wastewater could successfully reduce cutting ant populations by up to 80%
- wastewater appears to be recommended for the control of bacterial plant diseases
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