
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Manufacturing plants comprise of various processes, people and systems whose purpose is to create products of increased value from the use of the given raw materials. Manufacturing planning and control is necessary in the ac quisition, utilization and allocation of production resources in order to meet the requirements efficiently and effectively. Such decisions include production lot sizes, sequencing of production and work force levels . Other plans made include  master production scheduling , material requirements planning , and capacity requirements planni ng. Manufacturing can be categorized into two different process which entail  process-based  and  discrete-based manufacturing .   Process-based   manufacturing industries make use of two processes: Continuous   Manufacturing  Processes : these run continuously with transitions to create varieties of a product.   Batch Manufacturing  Processes : these consist of disti...

Waste Management Ideas

   As discussed previously, the waste generated during cassava processing is very detrimental to the environment and there for a high importance should be placed on the implementation of proper disposal or alternative uses. From research it was found that both liquid and solid waste generated can be transformed into materials which can be put to better use. In the chart below a brief outline of the possible applications of the waste is given: Cassava peels :  after the cassava is peeled, it was found that activated carbon was produced from them which is effective in the treatment of water containing heavy metals among other toxins for both oily and non-oily waters Other possible applications: cassava is also rich in nutrients such as  nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, leaving opportunity for the application as a fertilizer which will enhance the crop production and aid in supplementing the demand of nutrients to an extent. eg. manipueira...

Waste of Cassava flour Production

It was found that during the processing of cassava of an amount of 1000kg, results in the generation of wastewater in amounts of 250-600kg  based on the method of processing which is determined by the desired product. Even though both liquid and solid waste is produced during processing, it was proven that the liquid waste causes more harm to the environment due to the heavy organic load of toxins being released. These toxins include: linamarin highly toxic cyanogenic glycoside Therefore, methods of waste management should be implemented into the processing system in order to combat this occurrence.

Estimating the amount of product that should be manufactured

I have been doing subsequent research these days in order to determine or have an idea of how much of the product should be produced annually in order to supply enough to have a secure food security in the case of an import replacement strategy.  In the most recent record found, 3563 tonnes of wheat flour was sold in 2019. This record would help me determine an appropriate estimate of cassava flour  that should be manufactured to meet the demands of the market while not over producing.

Equipment Research for cassava flour production

Preliminary Machinery needed for the process - drum washer : effectively was the raw material of dirt and sand at the beginning of process  -dry cleaner : mainly used for separating impurities from raw materials - paddle washer (3 processes of washing occur here) - de-sanding cyclone (used to remove coarse particles from cassava slurry) - rasper : necessary for the fineness and freeness of flour - back flush device (used to avoid flour loss during de-sanding process) - slurry tank - cyclone separator or Screw Extrusion Solid liquid Separato r (dewatering process) - sieve ( after drying the flour will be sieved to ensure removal of coarse particles) - belt conveyor (transport throughout the process)

Cassava Flour Production line

 Process of Cassava Flour Production Root reception and washing - fresh cassava taken to factory by truck and are weighed and sampled for starch content -stems, woody tissues removed -roots are washed to remove sands and impurities and placed on belt for inspection Grinded and rasping unit -tuber is grinded and water is added to dilute slurry De-sanding unit -sands and other course particles are removed from the slurry Cassava flour detoxification and dewatering - there is hydrocyanic acid  (toxic substance in cassava peels) therefore, the slurry will go through detoxification  -dewatering process follows and material is transported to dryer Drying and packing unit - high moisture level prevent direct entry to dryer -material is mixed with dry flour to reduce moisture and carried to dryer -this is then sieved and transported for storing and cooling

Need for different flours on the market in the link provided above the following was discussed and should be noted as it gives reason for the purpose of the business being put forward. in this article the food import bill was discussed which pointed out the increasing amount of foreign exchange being spent on the foreign goods. From this the topic of import replacement was introduced along with the opportunity to boost local manufacturing. this works in the favor of the country as this idea is being sought out by the government, along with the many benefits it would show to the economy such as self-dependency, decrease in unemployment and opportunity to compete on global markets. '' Diptee said the association has long advocated its support for local substitutes for imported foods, where they are available.''

Local competition

It was found that cassava flour is being produced by the local flour mill NFM but at a small scale with little attention placed onto it . however the cassava flour introduced serves merely as a 1-for-1 flour substitute for wheat flour and is not suitable for all baking application such as those which require yeast. therefore, the flour to be produced by this company will be suitable for a larger scale of uses. this makes it different from already available products locally, giving it less competition. NMF's cassava flour: ''Pamela’s Cassava Flour contains 7% of the daily value of fibre per serving and adds a more delicate texture to baked goods. It can be used as a 1-for-1 substitute for wheat flour in muffins, cakes, cookies, and quick breads, or in any recipe that calls for cassava flour''